10/13/25 – 10/17/25 Halloween Week 3

*******Make sure to be ready for our Saturday Trick or Treat**********


5:00p-6:00p Social Hour! Join us in the pavilion for cheeseburgers, hot dogs, hamburgers and more. With complimentary beverage. (Cash Preferred, No Big Bills Please)

7:00p- Family Bingo!! $5 a card 100% payout at the pavilion. MUST BE 18 to purchase a card and receive Winnings. All Ages Welcomed!!! We start selling cards at 6:30p. We will have all the food listed for social plus $1 soda, while supplies last! (Cash Only, No Big Bills Please)

8:15p ish Family Movie Night! We will have $2 cotton candy & $2 popcorn available. (Cash Only, No Big Bills Please)  


*** Site Decorating Contest***** Winner to be announced at 6pm (sharp) outside the pavilion!!*****

******Costume Contest*********Winner to be decided at 6pm (sharp) outside the pavilion!!******

*****Pet Costume Contest********* Winner to be decided at 6pm (sharp) outside the pavilion!!******

9:00 -10:00a Hot and Delicious Home cooked Breakfast!! Join us in the pavilion to get your morning started right! $7 a person, purchase in office in advance or cash preferred at pavilion that morning. (No Big Bills Please)

11:00a- Kids ONLY Haunted Maze Attraction!! $7.00 Purchase a ticket in the office for your child/children to be escorted through our haunted attraction by our activities staff during the daylight hours, when our scary ghouls are still asleep.

12:30p-1:30p- Ceramic Bank Pumpkin Paint!!! Please purchase a pumpkin in the office and join us in Arts & Crafts to paint and decorate.

1:30p-2:30p- Open arts and crafts and build a buddy for Halloween, Please purchase your items in the office and join us in Arts & Crafts to paint and decorate.

2:30p-4:00p -Trick or Treat Time!!!! Dress up and trick or treat through the park. Guests, please have your treats ready for the kids.

5:00p- Dinner Event!!! TBD

5:00p-9:00p- Live Entertainment!!! TBD

AT DARK-Haunted Maze Attraction with wagon Ride!!! $10.00   Please purchase tickets in the office in advance! Meet outside the pavilion to get on our spooky wagon for a ride to the Haunted dark side… *** MUST BE IN LINE FOR THE WAGON BY 7:15PM.


9:00 -10:00a Hot and Delicious Home cooked Breakfast!! Join us in the pavilion to get your morning started right! $7 a person, purchase in office in advance or cash preferred at pavilion that morning. (No Big Bills Please)

10:30a-11:30a Halloween Scavenger Hunt!! Pick up sheet at the office. search the park and take a photo with everything you find. then return to arts and crafts with your pics for a treat.

** All Activities and Events subject to change daily without notice**

Thank you for understanding!

Pizza Shop Phone # 757-771-0764

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Oct 17 - 19 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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