Friday 5:00p-6:00p Social Hour! Join us in the pavilion for Cheeseburgers, Hot dogs, Hamburgers and more. With complimentary beverage. (Cash Preferred, No Big Bills Please) 7:00p- Bingo! Must be 18 to purchase and receive winnings! ALL AGES WELCOMED. We start selling cards at 6:30p. We will have all the food listed for social plus $1 soda, while supplies last! (Cash …
Beach Party Weekend! Monday July 31st- Sunday August 6th
Monday July 31st 9:3oa Pool Aerobics with Pool Guy Andy. 10-11 Bounce House open. $5 per person get your ticket at the front office 11-12 Open Arts and Crafts in the Activities Center, Painting, Stuffies, Sand art and more. Stop in the office first for craft items. Tuesday August 1st 9:3oa Pool Aerobics with Pool Guy Andy. 10-11 Bounce House …